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State Fund Expands Videos Available on YouTube

State Fund places a high priority on workplace safety and training programs. Our many industry-leading safety resources can help prevent injuries, and protect California employers and workers.

Last year, State Fund launched a YouTube channel, making State Fund-produced safety videos available for streaming online. Now, we have increased the size of our library by posting additional titles, both safety and business-related.

Felony, Fines and Jail - The Story of Workers Comp Fraud

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of August 12, 2013

By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Is it possible to ‘go back’ to the future with a contractor’s license? As the ‘boomer’ generation reach retirement who will take over the companies they have built in their lifetime? With opportunity rising in the state and national economy contractors are getting back to the business of ‘assembling’ the elements they need to build…

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of August 5, 2013

By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Handymen need to remember the scope and limits of their work or they might find themselves ‘a dollar’ over the line and on the wrong side of the law.  Licensed contractors also face significant penalties when projects go astray, including revocation of their license number. Wrapping it up we help settle a ‘buddy’ bet that offers an important reminder about knowledge and power…

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