Final Deadline - Feb. 28 - to Register as Public Works Contractor Without Penalty

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ALL California contractors who work on public works projects are facing a crucial deadline IF you want to bid or perform public works with the state or local agencies!! You MUST go online to the address listed below, register and pay the $300 fee BEFORE this Sunday!  Waiting until past the deadline is NOT permissible (without paying a $2,000 fine)!

The requirement to list only registered contractors and subcontractors on ALL public works bids becomes effective on March 1, 2015. The requirement to only use registered contractors and subcontractors on public works projects applies to all projects awarded on or after April 1, 2015.

Essentials of public works contractor registration program:

■ Contractors will be subject to a registration and annual renewal fee that has been set at $300. The fee is non-refundable and applies to all contractors and subcontractors who intend to bid or perform work on public works projects (as defined under the Labor Code).

■ Contractors must apply and pay the fee online and must meet minimum qualifications to be registered as eligible to bid and work on public works projects:

■ Contractors must have workers’ compensation coverage for any employees and only use subcontractors who are registered public works contractors.

■ Contractors must have Contractors State License Board license if applicable to trade.

■ Contractors must have no delinquent unpaid wage or penalty assessments owed to any employee or enforcement agency.

■ Contractors must not be under federal or state debarment.

■ Contractors must not be in prior violation of this registration requirement once it becomes effective. However, for the first violation in a 12 month period, a contractor may still qualify for registration by paying an additional penalty.

■ The registration fee is not related to any project. It is more like a license that enables the registrant to bid on and perform public works.

If a contractor violates the deadlines, he may have to pay significant penalties, ($2,000); and risk having work stopped until the registration is rectified. Awarding bodies (both state and local) will be closely following the new law!

This is your final warning!  Register today and be done with it!  Here’s access to the registration form:




