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State Fund's Medical Provider Network - A Win-Win for Employees and Employers

If your employees are hurt on the job, one of the best things you can do for them-and yourself-is to get them to a physician in a Medical Provider Network (MPN). Directing your injured employee to an MPN physician is a Win-Win.

Employers win because the MPN features physicians specially trained to treat workplace injuries and help employees return to work as quickly as possible. Employees often experience better medical outcomes when using an MPN physician.

Cal/OSHA Moves to Strengthen Heat Illness Prevention Regulations

From the California Department of Industrial Relations, July 31, 2009 

The Department of Industrial Relations’ (DIR) Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has filed a proposal with the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to amend California’s first of its kind heat illness prevention regulations. This action follows the July 16 request by Governor Schwarzenegger to strengthen and improve the standards to protect outdoor workers from the hot summer sun.

Construction Manager On Private Works Do Not Need To Be Licensed

By Sam K. Abdulaziz, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman

It has always been thought that a Construction Manager needs to be licensed on public works. However, in a recent case, The Fifth Day, LLC, v. James P. Bolotin, held that this may not be the case. The Court of Appeal reversed the judgment that was entered by the Los Angeles Superior Court. This ruling, which was not a unanimous decision, may be considered factually specific. There was one very strong dissenting opinion.

New Federal Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Requirements

 from Marjorie Xavier, Lead Program, U.S. EPA, San Francisco
To further protect children from exposure to lead-based paint, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued new rules for contractors who renovate or repair housing, child-care facilities or schools built before 1978.  Under the new rules, workers must follow lead-safe work practice standards to reduce potential exposure to dangerous levels of lead during renovation and repair activities.

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