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Ten-Year Statute of Limitations On Construction Defect Actions

By Sam K. Abdulaziz, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman

Windscape LLC (“Windscape”), a developer, contracted with Western Products Co. (“Western”) wherein Western would install windows for an apartment complex.  Construction of the apartments ended in 1991. 

Windscape agreed to sell the apartments to Pine Terrace Apartments LP (“Pine Terrace”).  In May 2003, escrow on the sale closed.

DIR Creates Digital "Public Works Toolkit"

The California Department of Industrial Relations has created a digital "Public Works Toolkit" to assist contractors and public agencies with the How To's of Public Works.
It is easy to use and answers many frequently asked questions. 

Check it out at  There is also a link on the DIR web site. 

At this time the toolkit is not available as a downloadable PDF, but the website advises "check back for downloadable version."


SACRAMENTO UPDATE - What’s Next? And Two Retention Bills Considered

July 2, 2009

from J. Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

IOU’s are being issued to state vendors and local governments as of today and over 200,000 state workers are being furloughed an additional day (total of three) per month because the legislature and Governor could not reach a budget solution on the mounting $26 billion deficit.

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.

While the 3% goal for including certified disabled-veteran owned companies (DVBE) remains in place, goals for other ‘disadvantaged’ businesses providing goods and services in California have changed. Remember Proposition 209? We also open a ‘vent’ to let some fresh air in on unlicensed activity being promoted online.

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