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Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - time is money, RMO's, certified plumbers, and more, ...

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
‘Time is money’ is an old cliché. However, waiting too long or missing a deadline can cost you plenty. While one contractor learns he can’t afford to wait ‘one day’ to renew an expired license, another will likely be given ‘one year’ to wrap up issues with their license change…

Get The Lead Out - Lead Exposure On Construction Sites Is A Serious Issue

from the State Compensation Insurance Fund

Lead exposure on construction sites is a serious issue. Lead is dangerous when it’s airborne as dust, fumes, or a mist because workers can then breathe it, ingest it, or take it home and expose others. Employers of job sites that might contain lead are required by Cal/OSHA to conduct sampling tests to detect exposure and provide training to workers who may be exposed.

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