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Cal OSHA Announces Campaign to Keep Outdoor Workers Safe in the Heat

Cal/OSHA announced this week (May 14) that it is taking a multi-faceted approach to protecting California’s outdoor workers from heat illness and injuries that includes a combination of education, outreach and enforcement efforts.  This campaign will be the first time Cal OSHA has reached out to workers through paid radio and billboard advertisements to complement training provided to employers and employees. 

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of 5/17/10

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.

As I have advocated for many years in the end piece for this contractor’s Q&A, ‘knowledge is power’. I share with you the benefit of knowing your license, and the laws that apply to using it. We also visit that place between the ‘rock’ of private contracting law and the ‘hard place’ of public works rules that are not quite the same…

An open letter to Kalb’s Capitol Connection:

Dear Mr. Kalb,

COBRA Subsidy Extended

In April, President Obama signed another COBRA extension into law, continuing the 65 percent subsidy extension to help the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs. The latest extension provides the subsidy to those who are involuntarily terminated from employment through May 31, 2010, and the premium reduction lasts for up to 15 months.

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