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Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of 4/12/10

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
There are always sad stories coming from economic crisis, but letting frustration with those conditions determine your behavior is also sad. We begin with a contractor who let things go too far in seeking ‘justice’ for money owed. You can lend a ‘hand’ in controlling a growing problem for licensed contractors, and we ‘engineer’ a solution for a lawyer with a corporate license issue…


from Kevin J Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate of the Golden State Builders Exchanges

The Bill Mill Gets into Action

The legislature’s various policy committees have started to take action on bills introduced this legislative year. There will be considerable policy committee hearings and votes through April and into early May. Listed below are several bills of significance that were acted upon this week:

Regulatory Review

SBA Issues Scam Warning

The U.S. Small Business Administration is warning small businesses to use caution if they are contacted by firms offering to help them apply for funds available through SBA programs. SBA and SBA's Office of the Inspector General have received several complaints from small businesses about abusive marketing practices, scams, and exorbitant fees charged by firms offering to help them obtain a loan, grant, or other federal funds. Some of these complaints include:

Sacramento Update - March 26

from Kevin J Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

Budget Fixes Sent to Governor

California’s mid-year budget drama finally wrapped this week, as the legislature and Governor reached a deal that allowed for the passage of a controversial gas tax swap in exchange for two “jobs” tax credit bills aimed at homebuyers and “green” technology manufacturing.

Five Tax Changes for 2009

As you get ready to prepare your 2009 tax return, the Internal Revenue Service wants to make sure you have all the details about tax law changes that may impact your tax return.

Here are the top five changes that may show up on your 2009 return.

1. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

In Memoriam - Donald K Anderson

The construction industry lost one of its great benefactors recently, Donald K Anderson, President of Eric F. Anderson, who died February 2, 2010.

It is difficult to find words to capture the spirit of Don Anderson. He built his career and lived his life with honesty, integrity and respect. He was a big man with a big heart and an unfailing sense of humor. Above all, a man who loved his family deeply.

Born and raised in Oakland, CA, he was proud to continue his father's legacy at Eric F. Anderson, Inc. for 50 years.

Kalb's Q & A for Contractors

Week of 3/22/10

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
If you ‘pay the freight’ you might naturally expect to receive delivery of what you paid for. However, government doesn’t necessarily always meet those expectations. Unfortunately, today it’s more like ‘business unusual’ in California. No matter how long you’ve been licensed there is always more to learn. A concrete contractor helps us ‘cement’ the learning curve for what must be displayed on your company vehicles…

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