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CA Labor Commissioner Issues $1.5 million in Penalties to Davis Contractor

California State Labor Commissioner Angela Bradstreet ordered Russell/Thompson, Inc., a framing contractor, to pay $1.3 million in wages and $200,000 in fines for failure to pay 74 employees the proper wage for their work at Tercero Housing Project at the University of California, Davis.   The Labor Commissioner issued a civil wage and penalty assessment in an effort to collect the money owed to the workers.

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of June 7th

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. However, you almost always want a second opinion when a medical question arises. That policy is also a wise course when dealing with the complexities of law and regulations contractors must ‘survive’ to keep their business ‘alive’. A new rule may put more reach into the long arm of contracting law…
Q:  I applied for a second contractor’s license a few years ago as a ‘dba’.  I had one license for my corporation (I’ll call it XYZ Plumbing

DIR Establishes Task Force To Monitor and Safeguard California's Public Works Projects

San Francisco - The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) this week filed proposed regulations with the Office of Administrative Law to establish the Compliance Monitoring Unit (CMU) which will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the State’s prevailing wage laws on public works projects in California. The CMU will review certified payroll records, verify that workers on the projects are paid the correct rate of pay for the work performed, and will enforce compliance with pay, overtime, recordkeeping and hours limitation requirements.


from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

Budget Back and Forth Begins

Democrats announced their $20 billion budget closing package this week.  In contrast to the Governor’s plan, which called for large program cuts, borrowing and no new taxes, both Senate and Assembly Democrat’s released their own proposals this week that contained a combination of program cuts, some borrowing and tax increases.

The Senate Democrat proposal contains the following $5 billion in revenue increases:

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