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Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of February 13, 2012

By David Kalb & Shauna Krause, Capitol Services, Inc.

While the complex regulations governing contractors in California are largely written in law, some of the ‘rules’ guiding licensing remain ‘unwritten’. These are not actual statutes, but practices derived from CSLB interpreting the ‘black and white’ legislation. We ‘dial in’ a low voltage answer, and also as strange as it may sound, a Qualifier learns he has been promoted to replace himself…

The Safety Expo Returns for the Eighth Year in 2012

Seven years of success is the background for the 2012 Safety Expo’s new Regulatory Track representing more than fourteen topics and seventy hours of training, which key-in on the Top 10 Safety Violations from 2011.  This year, special attention has been taken in the programming of topics and sessions avoiding time conflicts and overlapping schedules, which allows your employees to participate in the classes they want and need making better use of their time and more training for your three-day registration dollars.

Q&A for Contractors - Week of February 6, 2012

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
Our first contractor inquiry introduces a new character in the ongoing Capitol Connection story.   One of the most important people working behind the scenes at Capitol Services is stepping up front. Many contractors who have worked with our Sacramento office have gotten answers directly from Shauna Krause, my expert assistant.  Now, readers of the Connection will also benefit from her knowledge, experience and outgoing personality as she tackles some of the future “Q&A” featured here…

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of January 30, 2012

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
Abe Lincoln first wrote about fooling some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time. About the only person who can ‘fool’ you anytime is…you. When you seek out advice going to the source is the best way to learn. However, some people get ‘fooled’ by ignoring the facts to hear what they want to be true…

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