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The Dangers of Diesel Exhaust

From the State Compensation Insurance Fund

Diesel Exhaust – What is it?

Diesel exhaust is composed of harmful chemicals including toxic particles and hazardous gases. Diesel engines in cars, buses, and trucks create exhaust from the combustion of diesel fuel. Some of these hazardous gases in diesel exhaust (e.g. nitrogen oxides, benzene, sulfur dioxide and formaldehyde) may cause cancer.

The Hazards

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - CSLB's Proactive Enforcement Aimed at the Underground Economy

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.

We have been busy at Capitol Services helping contractors discover new opportunity in Nevada and Arizona, a ‘rush’ that is reflected in recent news of their leading the nation in state population growth over the last decade. Meanwhile, licensed contractors may find greater opportunity within the borders of California as government focuses on creating a ‘level’ playing field by cracking down on the unlicensed operators ‘bending’ the rules…

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