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Governor Brown signs AB 720, Road Commissioner Reform Bill, into Law

The Construction Industry Force Account Council, CIFAC, announced that Governor Brown recently signed the CIFAC sponsored bill AB 720, i.e. the Road Commissioner Reform Bill.

According to CIFAC Executive Director Cathryn Hilliard, "we can celebrate the fact that millions of dollars in additional county roadwork will go out to bid. This legislation was so important that it helped build one of the strongest coalitions of contractors and labor organizations on a single issue we've seen in recent times."

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of February 27, 2012

By David Kalb & Shauna Krause, Capitol Services, Inc.
Despite what a contractor may believe is the right direction, misinformation about their contractor’s license can often lead to a ‘dead end’. Like the ‘GPS’ of contractor’s licensing law we can help you get to your destination. Another contractor needs expert ‘directions’ to Nevada…

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of Feb. 20, 2012

By David Kalb & Shauna Krause, Capitol Services, Inc.

You have to walk before you can run, as some younger aspiring contractors must learn. Apprentice is only the first step towards a license.  Winning contracts in the market is always hard work, but on those bids involving government or special districts there are additional challenges. For our first contractor there is little room to maneuver between a ‘rock and a hard place’…

Cal/OSHA Issues Hazard Alert and Launches Confined Spaces Emphasis Program

On February 8, 2012, Cal/OSHA launched a statewide Confined Space Special Emphasis Initiative to focus attention on preventing worker deaths and injuries in confined spaces.  The press release can be found at  For your convenience, content of the release is included below.   A copy of the Alert is also attached.

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