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Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of November 7, 2011

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
Some contractor licensing ‘arrangements’ are subject to change, others not so much. Learn more about how ‘limited’ some partnerships aren’t. We start with another contractor’s concern about RME’s with a ‘sole’.  We also add more ‘fuel’ to the firestorm of controversy about how public agencies can structure their bids…

W. Contra Costa School District Seeks Licensed Contractors

On June 3, 2009, the Board of Education of the West Contra Costa Unified School District approved Resolution 90-0809.  The resolution places the District under the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.  Under Section 22036/of the act, the District is inviting all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on its list of qualified bidders for the following calendar year (2012).

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of October, 24, 2011

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
With tax revenues down and budget cuts across the board State government is targeting the ‘underground’ economy as a top law enforcement priority. Contractors just want a level playing field whether the market is rising or falling…
According to CSLB Registrar Steve Sands, “unlicensed illegal activities that put homeowners at risk and puts those who follow state laws at a competitive disadvantage will not be tolerated”. Contractors can also do a lot to help.

Governor Brown signs AB 720, Road Commissioner Reform Bill, into Law

The Construction Industry Force Account Council, CIFAC, announced that Governor Brown recently signed the CIFAC sponsored bill AB 720, i.e. the Road Commissioner Reform Bill.

According to CIFAC Executive Director Cathryn Hilliard, "we can celebrate the fact that millions of dollars in additional county roadwork will go out to bid. This legislation was so important that it helped build one of the strongest coalitions of contractors and labor organizations on a single issue we've seen in recent times."

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