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Late yesterday, the budget conference committee met for the final time to act on the Governor’s Proposed Prop 58 Fiscal Emergency budget resolution package. As a reminder, the Fuel Tax Swap Re-enactment and related Weight Fee transfer for bond debt service were technically not “in conference” as these proposals had been approved by both full budget committees.

An In Depth Explanation of Latent and Patent Defects

By Sam K. Abdulaziz & Bruce D. Rudman, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman

In 1997, Creekridge Townhome’s 61 unit, 11 building structure had its shake roofs replaced with Cedarlite concrete tile roofs.  Later that year, one of the owners sent a letter to the Creekridge Townhome Owners Association, Inc. describing that she had water moisture problems in the second-story bedroom window as a result of the new tile roof.  She also went on to let them know that there were several broken roof tiles.

Safety Matters

Find It Easy!  Cal/OSHA Regulation Index.  You can find all Cal/OSHA regulations grouped by topic ("Heat illness" "Postings") on the Dept. of Industrial Relations website.  Go to, and click on the right column button titled TITLE 8 INDEX.   

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