Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of August 6, 2012

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By Shauna Krause & David Kalb, Capitol Services, Inc.
Like the timber wolf that has been in the news looking for new territory across the borders of Oregon and California, contractors across the west are also looking for opportunity in new places.  For contractors with longer reach, knowing the variations in license law can make the difference between success and failure. We share some of the problems and some of the ‘profit’ in working across state lines…
Q:  Capitol Services helped us years ago with obtaining our GC contractor’s license in Nevada and California and I have a question for you.  The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) on the license (who also happens to be my Uncle) is planning to retire at some point in the near future and we were wondering if there is a way to add me as a second Qualifier on the licenses so it doesn’t lapse.  We were also thinking this would be beneficial in case anything unexpected were to happen to him.  
A:  Thanks for thinking of us. Since California only allows one Qualifier per classification, you cannot both be Qualifiers on the CA license simultaneously.  You can either replace your Uncle on the license now as a pre-emptive step, or you could obtain your own Sole Owner license as a “back-up” so the process of replacing him will be easier down the road.  Keep in mind that even if you do nothing now, you will have 90 days to replace him if he were to retire or something unexpected occur.
With regards to Nevada, you certainly can be added to the license as a second Qualifier.  In fact, Nevada actually allows up to TEN qualifiers on each license!  Please contact us if you’d like assistance with this process.
Q:  My company has had a General Building (“B”) license since 1985.  In 2009 we obtained an “A” license by having one of our employees take the necessary exams.  He is now leaving the company and I was wondering if there is any way for me to qualify the “A” portion of our license without having to take the tests?  I am currently the RMO/President for the General Building license.  Our company has been doing “A” projects for over 12 years.
A:  Unfortunately, you will have to take the trade exam to replace your employee for the General Engineering or “A” classification.  The only way to qualify for a waiver is if your company had held that classification (and the license has been in good standing) for 5 of the prior 7 years. The “A” work you reference was actually done without the benefit of a license “in good standing” and therefore would not be considered satisfactory justicfication for a waiver.
Q:  I currently have a “C-61”/”D-06” (Concrete related services) license in CA.  My company does concrete pumping.  We have some potential work in Nevada and I have reviewed Nevada’s classification list and it doesn’t appear that they have anything that is equivalent.  Do I even need a license to perform this work in Nevada?
A:  Thank you for contacting us.  If all you are doing is delivering and pumping from the truck then no, a contractor’s license is not required in Nevada.  We hope this advice helps ‘pump’ up your profit line!

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 580, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at



