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SAFETY: Dealing with Workplace Distractions

From Safety News, State Compensation Insurance Fund, January 2013

In many work situations, distractions and interruptions are unavoidable. Some distractions can even lead to workplace injuries. However, many of these incidences can be controlled or prevented. Regardless of the distraction, your first priority should be to keep your mind and your focus on your safety and the safety of others, and then focus on the task at hand.

Prompt Payment Penalties Overview

By Bruce D. Rudman, Abdulaziz, Grossbart

There have been a few cases in the past few years that affect the Prompt Pay Laws.  The cases really do not support the application of prompt pay penalties except where there is absolutely no dispute over the unpaid amount due or the work. We often hear of contractors claiming they are entitled to 24% on unpaid balances because of these laws and usually their position is contrary to the law.  Thus, we thought it was important to give an overview of where these laws are today.

2012 Year End Alerts

HRI eBulletin

from HR Ideas, Inc.

Is your business ready for the New Year? While you're busy checking off items on your holiday lists, we have a few items for your business as well. Click on the red title links below to view articles.

Year End Alert #1 (11.29.12)
     End of Year Reminders
     401(k) Qualified Plan Changes

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of December 17, 2012

By Shauna Krause & David Kalb, Capitol Services, Inc.
Answering questions, solving problems and alerting contractors to potential trouble is all in a day’s work.  As we do here, when you see a veteran let them know you appreciate their service, and help them if you can. Does military construction work qualify for a civilian license? We ‘double down’ on a contractor’s inquiry on RME’s…

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