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Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 20, 2015


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

When there is a question of what the law actually says people will try to exploit it to their advantage. This is important to both sides of a contract- consumer and contractor. A recent case prompted the CSLB to issue a News Release highlighting the need for consumers to understand the difference between a service and repair contract and a home improvement contract.  This distinction is also crucial for licensed contractors…

Attention Plan Room Users - Chrome No Longer Supports 64 Bit Java

from Amy Rohrer, Online Plan Service, Barryhund Administrators
We have been informed that Chrome is no longer supporting the 64 bit version of Java. For now, there is a work around to fix the issue, but we are being told that the ‘flags’ used to override this setting may not be available to end users in Chrome at some point in the future.

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 13, 2015


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

‘Work-arounds’, loopholes, or gray areas can sometimes be exceptions to the rules. But they are often looked for to avoid doing what is ‘business as usual’ as in our first question. Nice try but let me count the ways it’s not going to work. We finish with raising a contractor’s ‘suspended’ corporation…

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