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Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors Week of March 21, 2016


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

What we ‘know’ and what’s actually ‘correct’ don’t always jibe and for contractors that can be a problem. It’s why we answer questions here and have assisted contractors in Sacramento for more than 30 years in negotiating these complex rules. Have we not all ‘assumed’ something that turned out different then we believed it would? Here’s a couple of recent ‘real world’ examples…

Getting Paid!

6 Tips on Using Technology to Gather Information About Construction Projects & the Players
By Milene C. Apanian, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman
When an owner awards the construction contract to the general contractor and issues the Notice To Proceed, everyone is eager to start the physical construction at the jobsite, and they immediately gather up the labors and the materials necessary to begin the work.

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors Week of March 7, 2016


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

What type of contractor takes down ‘art’? I will remove some ‘artificial’ notions on ‘cutting’ turf, share some ‘ink’ on a fingerprint question. I also have the unfortunate duty to let a ‘former’ contractor know that too much time has passed to just ‘revive’ his license but his ‘number’ may not be gone…

Q:  Is a contractor’s license required for graffiti removal and if so, what type of license would I apply for?

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