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Kalb's Q & A For Contractors

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.,

Striving to get contractors the best information possible means getting it right from the source in Sacramento. As most of you have other plans on the agenda, I go to these meetings where government decisions are made which are important to working contractors. Spend a moment to learn what you missed at the most recent meeting of decision makers at the CSLB…

Caltrans Assures Contractors of Aug / Sep Progress Payments

Late last week, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) held a conference call with the major highway construction associations (AGC, EUCA & SCCA) to assure our members that they will be able to make progress payments to contractor for work performed in August and September.
After that, if no state budget is in place, the transportation agency is worried about covering the $9.5 billion in work that is underway on state projects.

Bay Area's Only CASE Dealership Replaces OEM

TES (Tractor Equipment Sales, Inc.) Announces Asset Management Group 
to Expand its Product Line and Service Options

(San Jose, CA, August 16) TES, Tractor Equipment Sales, Inc., the only remaining CASE authorized dealer in the San Francisco Bay Area, has announced its decision to move beyond the traditional dealer relationship in favor of more flexible options for its customers. TES reached this mutual agreement with CASE last week.

Sacramento Update - August 6, 2010

from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate, Golden State Builders Exchanges

Legislative Activity

The legislature returned to the Capitol on Monday to begin the last month of the two-year legislative session.  The primary focus this week was Appropriations Committees. Once bills are provided final consideration by these committees, it will then be floor deliberations until the last hour of the legislative session.

Below is a recap of the keys bills for the week just ending:

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