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Works of Improvement

By Sam K. Abdulaziz, & Kenneth S. Grossbart, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman

Snider Lumber Products, Inc. and Sierra Pacific Industries (Snider and Sierra) owned a sawmill in Tuolumne County, which was retooled, and some of the work became unnecessary, including some lumber drying kilns.  These huge kilns were bolted on an 80-foot concrete slab, constructed with steel frames, and aluminum walls with foam insulation.  When the kilns were installed, they were deemed “improvements” on the land for property tax purposes. 

SACRAMENTO UPDATE - April 15, 2011

from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges


The legislature adjourned yesterday for Spring Break and will return on April 25. A majority of the bills will be dealt with by policy committees after the break to meet the May 6 policy committee deadline. This past week proved busy as well. Below is an example of issues that were considered of importance to GSBE:

Trenching & Shoring Safety - Every Time!

Work involving trenching and excavating activities tends to be the most hazardous in the industry. Yet, we see trenching and excavating work going on all around us. Excavations are needed for the installation and repair of utility lines, replacement of water and sewer lines, swimming pool construction, even grave digging. Excavation projects vary considerably, each with its own set of unique problems.

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 18

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.

I always appreciate feedback from our ‘Q&A’ so we will share more ‘industry expert’ information for all the contractors who checked in.  Another contractor discovers that painting a building won’t ‘insulate’ him from the need for another license class…

Q:  In your most recent column, you responded to a question about the Contractor Board’s Industry Expert Program.  Could you tell me more about this and would I be paid?

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 11, 2011


By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.

While I am often described as an ‘expert on licensing’ did you know that licensed contractors could also be ‘Industry Experts’? Few people may realize that just as older pilots share their expertise with flight schools, a California contractor’s experience is of great value to the CSLB. We also share names and backgrounds to go with the new faces on the Contractors Board…

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