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Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of Sep. 5, 2011

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.           
While not a lawyer, I am often asked to provide expert interpretation regarding contractor’s license law. With nearly 30 years assisting contractors in Sacramento this is often enough experience to settle a ‘bet’. These two contractor questions demonstrate why it’s important to know the answer before you play your ‘cards’…

CA Supreme Court Resolves Independent Contractor Employee Injury Case

from Ted Schwartz, Safety Manager,  WWW.HRIDEAS.COM

On Aug. 22, 2011, the California Supreme Court held that, when an employee of an independent contractor is injured due to the failure of the independent contractor to comply with workplace safety requirements, liability for the injury is with the employee's employer, not the entity engaging the services of the contractor.

SACRAMENTO UPDATE - August 26, 2011

from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

Bills that Made the Cut and Did Not

The legislature returned on August 15 to complete the legislative year on September 9. This week it was learned which bills on the respective Appropriations Committee Suspense file would move to the floor for final consideration.

No Retention, No Attorneys Fees

by Sam Abdulaziz, Attorney At Law

This case is a dispute between a licensed contractor, Diaa Yassin (Yassin), and homeowners Vincico and Sonia Solis (Solis).  Yassin sued Solis for money he claimed was owed to him upon completion of his work.  Solis filed a cross-complaint for breach of contract (among other things) on the work performed and asked for attorneys fees partially based on Civil Code section 3260(g).

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