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State Fund Premium Credit Extended to Non-renewing Policyholders

From Dan Burns, Group Insurance Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund
On November 18th, 2011, State Fund announced plans to disburse $50 million to qualifying policyholders in the form of a premium credit that is based on 2011 estimated annual premiums and will be applied during the 2012 policy year. The credit would be available to 2011 policyholders who:
•    Paid their premiums timely and kept their policy in good standing in 2011,


from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

Legislation and more legislation

Last Friday was the deadline for the introduction of legislation for the 2012 legislative year. While overall introductions were down approximately 30% in comparison to past years, there remains a host of issues that will be considered this year. The GSBE tracking list includes 160 bills which is the usual number of bills we track in a given legislative year.

Kalb's Q&A for Contractors - Week of December 5, 2011

By David Kalb, President of Capitol Services, Inc.
We don’t think too much about government bureaucracy until something goes wrong. That’s usually when the complaints begin. In technology, the rule is ‘garbage in, garbage out’, because computers only know what they are told. You can’t fault government workers who must work with what they are given. Finally, some potentially troubling news from Nevada for contractor’s looking to become licensed in that state…

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