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Worst Case Scenario: Prevailing Wage And The Penalties For Non-Compliance

by John McGill

When you work on a public works project, which is any project that involves contribution of public funds, you need to pay prevailing wage.  There are some exceptions, the most important being when the project is undertaken by a charter city that has opted out of requiring prevailing wage for projects funded by the charter city and that are not of statewide concern.  All other projects require that contractors pay their workers the prevailing wage.

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 22, 2013

By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

The introduction of Limited Liability Company, or LLC licensing in CA has opened a relative ‘floodgate’ as contractors explore this new way to organize their companies. However, like all things, unexpected consequences come with this new way of doing business. We also touch on judgments in bankruptcy, license reciprocity state-to-state and wrap up with an interesting twist on qualifying more than one license…


By Kenneth S. Grossbart,Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman

The case of Beacon Residential Community Association v. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP takes a look at the design professional's liability for negligent designs to third-party purchasers. What exactly are the design professional's duties to that third-party?

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