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Four Sales Myths Debunked


By Joe Diliberto, Sandler Training, Oakland, CA

Every profession has its own lineup of myths that need busting. Those who have spent the majority of their career in a sales role have heard them all. The fact is that sales is an exciting, sometimes grueling and often rewarding profession. We're the frontline of an organization and vital to its growth. However, like it or not, many myths exist about who the "ideal" salesperson is and what a career in sales is like.

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of October 13, 2014 


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

A ‘no way, no how’ gets us started on this round of contractor “Q&A.” We find a short answer in a very long question for a North Carolina contractor interested in ‘rolling the dice’ on a new venture in Nevada. And, a license applicant shows us why you keep copies of all your paperwork…

Employers May Need To Evaluate Hiring Practices As "Ban-the-Box" Laws Increase


By Christopher S. Alvarez, Attorney at Law, Cook | Brown LLP

As a growing number of states, cities, and counties enact laws preventing employers from asking up front about a job applicant’s criminal history, multijurisdictional employers may need to evaluate whether to remove the criminal history question from their job applications altogether.

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