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Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of July 6, 2015


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

In a break from tradition, I believe for the first time, the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) held its quarterly meeting in the Sheet Metal Workers’ Assembly Hall in Fairfield, CA on June 18th

According to David Kalb, founder and former owner of Capitol Services, this was a lively meeting lasting close to 5 hours.  The Registrar’s Report covered Procedures regarding the Board’s Interaction with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the CSLB Sunset Review Process.  

A WORD TO THE WISE, And The Confusion That Sometimes Follows


by John McGill

My grandmother had a favorite saying: ‘A word to the wise is sufficient’, meaning of course that I should shape up or the next time I would be in even more trouble. Regrettably I didn’t always understand what I was supposed to do to avoid the “next time”.  Courts do this correction with direction in their decisions too, and sometimes that direction is not clear either. A good example is the latest decision in Pacific Caisson & Shoring Inc v Bernard Bros. Inc.

Oakland Mayor Announces New "Classrooms2Careers" Program


Dear Business and Philanthropic Partners:

I am pleased to announce that we have officially launched our "Classrooms2Careers" program. We are currently preparing youth throughout the city to participate in this program and our goal is to place our teenage youth in meaningful, quality employment opportunities in and around Oakland for 100 hours of work beginning July 6, 2015.

Cal/OSHA Issues High Heat Advisory


Cal/OSHA is advising all employers to protect their outdoor workers from the risks associated with heat illness. Through next Monday, temperatures are expected to be 15 to 25 degrees above normal in Southern California. The National Weather Service forecasts excessive hot and dry weather patterns in Imperial, Riverside and San Diego counties in particular. Northern California should be prepared for high heat as well.

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of June 22, 2015


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Timing is often everything in life, or licensing, as our Michigan contractor learns in applying in California.  I will not ‘waiver’ in getting you the answer to your question when you ask us about the ‘rules’ in any aspect of contractor’s licensing. Finally, we wrap up with a ‘back to the future’ answer for a NV LLC…

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