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ALMOST SOLD OUT: 2nd Annual Women in Construction Expo - Oct. 16 San Francisco


If you are a woman working in the construction industry, or the owner of a construction company with female employees, or if you know someone interested in the construction industry who might benefit from attending the 2ndAnnual Women in Construction Expo, please RSVP today to secure your seat, as well as seats for your colleagues at this groundbreaking event.  We encourage men to also attend to support women in this industry. 

Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of October 12, 2015


By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Is there an exception to every rule? For some contractors it depends on the ‘conditions’. Another contractor who wants to be ready for ‘prime’ time needs to see the ‘bigger’ picture in getting those jobs done. We also pump up the volume in answering a question with a ‘twist’ on grout…

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