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Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of November 5, 2018

By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Moving things forward at a more rapid pace is one of the keys to our being experts in contractor assistance. Because when speed is of the essence, it likely wouldn’t be contractor’s licensing we were talking about! Plan ahead seems like good advice in any case. In another case, when some things sound the same, they really aren’t. We finalize this time with an ‘either/or’ choice that may be a headache any way…

3 Simple Tasks to Improve Your Daily Efficiency

by Joe Diliberto

As we approach the end of the year, it makes sense to start thinking carefully about what has worked - and what could be improved - in your prospecting plan this year. Here are three ideas to consider that have helped salespeople we've worked with to create better "cookbooks" (daily and weekly action plans) for effective prospecting. You may want to consider adopting all three of them as this year closes ... and as 2019 begins.

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