Ballot Proposition Update - California Builders Alliance

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Lots of developments over the weekend as legislative leaders and the Governor tried to tie up the loose ends for the bonds and ballot initiatives before the deadline of July 3rd. California’s “72 hour” rule, requiring all legislative measures to be in print for 3 days before the Legislature can vote meant that negotiations were ongoing all weekend. Today, we finally have a clear picture of the initiatives that will be put before voters in November.

 The Democratic legislative leadership is putting forth a ballot measure to compete with the District Attorney-backed Prop 47 reform, which has already qualified for the ballot. The proposition would toughen penalties for repeat shoplifters and drug dealers who lace substances with fentanyl. Typically, to place a measure on the ballot immediately, a 2/3 vote from the Legislature is required.  However, the bill carrying the initiative also calls for a "special election" to consider it on Election Day, only requiring a simple majority vote to put it on the ballot. Finally, as this proposition conflicts with the Prop 47 reform, if voters approve both crime measures, the one that receives more “yes” votes will be the one that goes into effect. Additionally, if the law-enforcement backed initiative wins but gets invalidated by the courts, the legislative initiative would take effect.

 The legislative retail theft package, which Democratic leadership had floated as a negotiation tactic to get proponents to withdraw the Prop 47 reform from the ballot, was also amended this weekend to remove the controversial urgency clauses and contingent repealer clauses. These clauses were added earlier this month to negate the legislation if voters approved the Prop 47 rollbacks.

 Legislators also released language for a $10 billion climate bond proposal and $10 billion school infrastructure proposal to go before voters.

 Finally, legislation was amended Sunday, setting forth the specifics of the ballot measures including (somewhat unusually) the order and number of the legislative propositions for the November ballot:

  • SB 1381 (Wahab) alternative retail theft ballot measure – set forth as the first measure and designated as Proposition 2.
  • AB 247 (Muratsuchi) education facilities bond is placed – second on the ballot and is designated as Proposition 3.
  • Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 (Low) marriage equality – placed third on the ballot and is designated as Proposition 4.
  • SB 867 (Allen) climate bond – placed fourth on the ballot and is designated as Proposition 5.
  • ACA 1 (Aguiar-Curry) vote thresholds – placed fifth on the ballot for the November 5, 2024, statewide general election and is designated as Proposition 6.
  • ACA 8 (Wilson) banning slavery – will be sixth on the ballot and is designated as Proposition 7.

 The other propositions that have qualified for the ballot through the voter initiative process will get assigned a proposition number by the Secretary of State.

 Let us know if you have any questions!


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1001 K Street, 6th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 335-5072

