Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of November 13, 2017

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Sometimes panic is appropriate, but our first contractor will escape the ‘suspense’ if he follows thru as I suggest. One is better than none, especially when it comes to taking exams as these contractors learn, and we wrap with a little ‘history’…

Q:  Our Worker’s Compensation insurance expired on November 1st.  We renewed our policy but when I called the CSLB, they said they never received an updated certificate.  Our Certificate shows the effective date of 11/1/17, but since the CSLB doesn’t have it on record yet, our license status is currently “suspended”. It is also my understanding they are backlogged processing the insurance certificates.  I am worried about having our license status “suspended” for any length of time.

A:  As long as the CSLB receives your certificate within 90 days of the effective date and there is no lapse in coverage, they will retroactively reinstate your license back to active/good standing as of 11/1/17.

Q:  I currently am a licensed General Engineering (“A”) contractor.  I also have the HAZ and ASB certifications.  I plan to retire soon and my son is going to take over the business.  I understand he can ask for a Waiver of the exams.  Am I correct?

A:  Yes, B&P Code Section 7065.1 allows for him to request a Waiver of the “A” and Law exams if he has been actively engaged in the business for at least five out of the last seven years.  However, the HAZ and ABS certifications are not subject to Waivers.  He will need to apply for the certifications separately and take the exams.  Please note the waiver request is a request and is not guaranteed.

Q:  We have a license that holds the “B” and the “C-36” classification with two separate RME’s.  I have been an Officer on the license since 2010 and I want to replace both the RME’s.  Is it possible to request a Waiver of the exams?  If so, can this be done on one application or will we be required to file two separate applications?

A:  Because you have been an Officer on the license for over five years, you can request a Waiver of the Law and Trade exams based on B&P code Section 7065.1. This can be done on one application, just be sure to submit two separate Work Experience pages, one for the “B” and one for the Plumbing (“C-36”).

Q:  I am an Attorney and involved in a case right now where it appears the opposing side had employees but did not have Worker’s Compensation Insurance on file with the CSLB, however I cannot tell from their website.  How would I go about finding out if they had a policy in place during a particular project in the past?

A:  You can request a Certified License History from the CSLB which will give you the entire history of the license.  We can request this for you and pick it up in person if you’d like.  There is a box to check on the request stating you would like to see information on Workers Comp.  If you have court documents to accompany the request, it may speed up the processing time. Further assistance is always available when you call us.

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at

