Treated Wood Waste Resources - Update

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Good Afternoon,

The Legislature passed Assembly Bill 332 (Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials, Chapter 147, Statute of 2021) related to treated wood waste three years ago. In accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 25230.15, the Western Wood Preservers Institute developed the website with resources on appropriate handling, storage, labeling, transport, notifications, recordkeeping, reuse, and disposal. AB 332 also requires updating the educational materials annually.  

 Last year the California Builders Alliance and Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange helped by disseminating educational materials to our members. Attached you will find the updated resources. We kindly ask that you disseminate the updated educational materials to those members who may be interested. Please reach out with any questions you have about treated wood or the attached educational materials.


Guidance for Landfills 

Guidance for Large Generators

Guidance for Generators 


Thank you,



Smith Policy Group
1001 K Street, 6th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 335-5072


