Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of July 11/2022

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

How can a test become a holiday too? 142. Why is that number significant to contractors? 

Q: I was looking into obtaining a CA Contractor’s license and I live in AZ. I noticed PSI administers the exams for CA now. Does that mean I can take the exams for the CA license here in AZ? PSI administers the exams here as well. 

A: No, you still must come to CA and go to one of the PSI testing facilities here in order to take the exams. We have plenty of places to relax, enjoy, and celebrate passing the exams! Luckily, there are many choices of locations up and down the State.

Q:  I am an attorney and I have used and referred your services in the past.  One of my clients contacted me and he actually hired another consulting firm to assist him with the process of obtaining a license.  While I am encouraging him to call you to pick it up from here, the other consultant requested that my client sign a POA (Power of Attorney) in order to handle the process on his behalf.  Is this something that you’ve heard of?

A:  Yes, Capitol Services gives applicants that option as well, obviously assuming they are comfortable doing so.  The CSLB requires a POA be in file to communicate with anyone other than the applicant with regards to their application.

Unlicensed? You’re busted in the latest STING by the Contractors State License Board. For contractors keeping the playing field level, disrupting shabby work practices, and removing unfair competition is only half the battle. 

During the undercover sting and sweep operations- 142- legal actions were taken across the state, primarily for unlicensed and uninsured practice. 

One of the many ways unlicensed contractors can hurt homeowners is because they have not met minimum competency requirements, do not have a license bond, or carry workers’ compensation insurance, putting consumers at risk.

"Unlicensed individuals can be dangerous for consumers," said David Fogt, CSLB Registrar. "Unlicensed contractors have not met licensing requirements, undergone background checks and don’t carry the proper insurance,” Fogt said.

And they give everyone a bad rep by posing as licensed, so both contractors and consumers benefit from the eagle eyes of the enforcement agents with CSLB. Win, win! 


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 3609 Bradshaw Rd, Ste H, #343, Sacramento, CA 95827. Search past columns at 




