Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of March 11, 2018

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Timing is comedy. Life, comedy and contracting are no different as all are full of deadlines. Like a comedian, miss your mark on timing and no one is laughing.  Exams, renewals, applications and so much more in being a licensed contractor depends on good timing…

Q:  You are helping me apply for my own “B” (General Building) Contractor’s License.  I work for a company who holds an “A” (General Engineering) license.  My intention is to add the “B” classification to my company’s license once my personal license is issued.  My company is offering to give me time off to study for the exam so we are trying to anticipate when my test date will be.  Is there any way to know ahead of time when I can go take the exams?

A:  There is no way to know when your exact test date will be, however currently due to their processing times you can anticipate your test date will be approximately 5-6 weeks from the time your application is submitted.  The 5-6 weeks estimate is assuming the CSLB accepts your work experience with no additional documentation. Also, just FYI, the CSLB will work with you if your test date doesn’t work with your schedule.  Once you receive the testing notification, just let us know if you need to re-schedule.

Q:  Our Contractor’s license expires at the end of May and I still have not received any renewal paperwork.  Do you think that this is normal or should I have received it by now?  Are you guys able to handle the renewal or is there something I should be doing to move this process along?

A:  The CSLB usually sends out renewal applications about 60 days prior to the expiration date so it’s not unusual you haven’t received the application yet.  If you don’t see it in the next week or two, we can absolutely pick one up for you in person.  The Contractor’s Board is currently taking about 3 weeks to process a renewal so I would recommend you get the renewal submitted in early May.

Q:  We are in a hurry to obtain our Contractor’s license.  Once we submit an application, how long does it take for the CSLB to process it?  Do they acknowledge receipt of the application?

A:  Processing times vary depending on the CSLB’s workload.  Once you submit the application, the CSLB will send you an acknowledgement letter in approximately ten days.  The letter will include an application number and pin number so that you can track it.  

Q:  I submitted an application for an Arizona Contractor’s License back in November of 2017.  It was rejected for several reasons and they sent the entire application back including a refund for the State fee.  Our Qualifying Individual took months getting the project forms completed and notarized.  Do we need to start from scratch and have these completed and notarized again?

A:  Even though your application was rejected, there is good news!  Arizona has updated their forms and requirements, so the projects forms are no longer required. The Arizona Registrar of Contractors updated their forms in December 2017 so the requirements are much different.  Contact us for assistance if needed!

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657,, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at


