State Fund's Medical Provider Network - A Win-Win for Employees and Employers

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If your employees are hurt on the job, one of the best things you can do for them-and yourself-is to get them to a physician in a Medical Provider Network (MPN). Directing your injured employee to an MPN physician is a Win-Win.

Employers win because the MPN features physicians specially trained to treat workplace injuries and help employees return to work as quickly as possible. Employees often experience better medical outcomes when using an MPN physician.

Employers win because using the State Fund MPN helps contain the cost of the claim, keeping your rates down. That is why it’s important for you to choose an MPN physician and write the physician’s contact information on the legally required notice that you post in your workplace. To search for an MPN physician, visit and under “Quick Links,” choose MEDfinder MPN Search.

Maintain Medical Control

Establishing medical control is a key component in achieving a positive outcome on a claim. You can play a significant role in this process by immediately channeling your injured employees to MPN physicians.

When an injured employee notifies you of a work-related injury, you should ensure that a network physician performs an initial medical evaluation within three business days. If an MPN physician does not see your injured employee within that three-day period, the employee may seek treatment by a non-MPN physician. If that happens, we lose medical control of the claim and the ability to contain costs.

Report the Injury Too

As important as it is to channel your injured employees to the MPN, you also need to remember to report any workplace injury to State Fund’s Claims Reporting Center at (888) 222-3211. We recommend reporting the injury within 24 hours, although the law allows you up to five days from the time you find out about the injury. Timely reporting is in everyone’s interest. The sooner you report the claim, the sooner we can advise you and your injured employee on proper courses of action, including coordinating treatment through the State Fund MPN.


