Dear Business Owner,
I am writing to you regarding the Contract Monitoring Division’s (CMD) first ever Mentor Protégé Program (MPP). The goal of this program is for Prime Contractors and CMD certified Micro-LBE (Local Business Enterprise) businesses to work one-on-one, and increase the capacity of Micro-LBEs to effectively contract and subcontract with City and County of San Francisco. The MPP will consist of 10 Mentor/Protégé teams, with 5 teams focusing on construction and 5 teams focused on professional services (Architecture and Engineering), working together to achieve the goals specified by the Protégé. The Mentor and the Protégé must be able to participate for the entire two year cycle of the MPP. CMD is currently looking for mentors to be part of our first MPP cycle. Participating Mentors will benefit from having their LBE Good Faith Effort requirements waived for two years on any bid for a City project with an CMD LBE goal, upon successful completion of a significant MPP milestone.
Enclosed are MPP Brochure and outreach flyer, and you can find the Mentor application on the MPP Website. I will contact you later this week to see if you have any questions. You can also reach me at 415-274-0511 or Thank you for your time and attention!
Lupe Arreola, Contract Compliance Officer
Chapter 14B Local Business Enterprise Unit
Contract Monitoring Division (CMD)
30 Van Ness Avenue | Suite 200 | San Francisco | CA | 94102
415-581-2306 (Main Office)| 415-274-0511 (Port of SF) | Fax 415-581-2351
Visit us at
Mentor Protege Brochure - here
Mentor Protege Outreach Flyer - here