Licensed Contractors Needed for Seismic Retrofits

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Contractors can grow their businesses by joining the Earthquake Brace + Bolt program
SACRAMENTO - Contractors eager to grow their business and receive free specialized training can participate in Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB), a California program offering homeowners up to $3,000 toward a code-compliant seismic retrofit. This year, EBB expanded across the state into new cities and additional ZIP Codes, creating a need for more trained contractors. 
     “We encourage contractors to sign up for EBB and complete the free training so they are ready to do this critical retrofit work in our communities,” said Janiele Maffei, Chief Mitigation Officer, Career Executive Assignment (CEA) and Executive Director of EBB. “This type of work is profitable for contractors and it protects families by strengthening their homes to lessen the potential for devastating earthquake damage.”
     There are numerous benefits for contractors in the EBB program, including the opportunity to attract new clients and receive free FEMA training online. EBB also offers contractors a free listing in the EBB Contractor Directory, along with free marketing materials like brochures, yard signs, and checklist pads, plus phone support if and when questions arise about the program. 
     “As seismic retrofitting contractors who have been involved with the Earthquake Brace + Bolt program since it began and who have completed hundreds of EBB retrofits, we see that the innovative, easy-to-use, web-based interface and the expertise of the administrators have made retrofitting possible for countless homeowners who otherwise would not have retrofitted their homes,” said Fred Cohen, President, Avalin Design Construction Co.
     To participate, licensed contractors are asked to register at and complete the online FEMA training as soon as possible.  After training is complete, contractors are automatically listed in the EBB Contractor Directory where they can promote their business by adding their logo and information about themselves. Nearly all participating homeowners – 95 percent – go directly to this list to hire a contractor for their EBB retrofit project.
     In early March, homeowners who are in the program will start looking for licensed contractors to do the retrofit work. (Homeowners have until February 23, 2018, to register.)
     Last year, 325 contractors registered for EBB, increasing the number of registered contractors to 1,772 across the state. EBB hopes to register and train even more contractors in 2018, as the program expands and more homeowners set out to complete earthquake retrofits on their homes. 
     For detailed program information, including a complete list of 2018 cities and ZIP Codes, and to register for EBB, licensed contractors are encouraged to visit 