Letters of Support Needed for Oakland Army Base

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from Beverly Rivas, Executive Director, Oakland Builders Alliance

Many of have followed the Oakland Army Base project years. For some of you this could be the first time you have heard of the project. What I can tell you without any question is that this one of the most fantastic opportunities for Oakland in the last 30 years.

What is at stake is not only a $242 Million grant from the State of California to repair 70 year old public infrastructure on the base but the reputation of Oakland as a City to invest capital.
After four years of studying the site, navigating the selection process, planning the infrastructure, and undergoing an environmental review, we cannot wait any longer to generate the jobs and economic benefits that will come with our proposed project. Planning projects does not create permanent jobs, building them does. We cannot let the voices that will demand more "process" to study alternative plans win the day. This plan has been thoroughly vetted and is a clear victory for Oakland.

The simple wisdom of Gordie Howe's famous quote "I missed every shot I didn't take" should be the mantra for the "New Oakland." It is time for Oakland to take it's shot. Please support us and Oakland to make this project a reality.
The Oakland City Council will be voting on the LDDA and certifying the EIR Addendum on June 19th. There will be critics of the process. There will be advocates representing special interest groups that will oppose the progress we have made. Your support is critical. Oakland is a City that requires "Advanced Citizenship".

The greatest recourse we have is the untapped Cognitive Surplus of the Silent Majority that rarely takes time to voice an opinion. I am calling you today to exercise your Citizenship and take your right of free speech for a ride.
Thanks for your support. 



For more information about Oakland Army Base, please visit the project website: http://www.oaklandglobal.com/
Dear Council President Reid and Other Council Members
As a longstanding member of the Oakland Community, I would like to express my support for the City of Oakland/Prologis/CCIG partnership at the Oakland Army Base.
This project will be a catalyst for new jobs and much needed tax revenue for the City.
This is a project of international significance, and it would be fantastic "win" for Oakland to get this project started as soon as possible.
We have reviewed the Prologis/CCIG proposal and strongly support the warehouse- and logistics-based development.
We urge you to vote "yes" to approve the LDDA and certify the EIR Addendum.
Thank you for your consideration on this matter.





