Governor's Actions on Key Legislation

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Governor Brown completed actions on 2011 legislation on October 9. The Governor had a veto rate of 14.3%.  There were 889 bills on his desk in 2011. 760 signed, 128 vetoed, one became law without his signature.

AB 22 (Mendoza) – Signed. Prohibits an employer or prospective employer from using a consumer credit report for employment purposes. Click Here

AB 135 (Hagman) – Vetoed. Requires, until 2017, that at least one of the 11 members of the Air Resources Board (ARB) be a small business owner. Click Here

AB 325 (Lowenthal) – Veto. Authorizes employees to take four days of unpaid time off in the event of the death of certain relatives. Click Here  

AB 397 (Monning) – Signed. Requires a licensed contractor with an exemption for workers compensation insurance to recertify the exemption upon license renewal or provide proof of workers' compensation insurance coverage. Click Here

AB 436 (Solorio) – Signed. Makes changes to existing law related to a prevailing wage enforcement mechanism in order to address potential legal questions about the funding method of that process. Restricts use of state funds if PLA’s are not allowed. Click Here

AB 514 (R. Hernandez) – Signed. Existing law provides that prevailing wages are due to construction works for the hauling of materials into a construction site as well as the hauling of refuse off of the site. If refuse is hauled from site and sold as a commodity, prevailing wage does not apply. The bill clarifies "refuse" to include soil, sand, gravel, rocks, concrete, asphalt, excavation, materials and construction debris.Click Here

AB 720 (Hall) – Signed. Amends the Public Contract Code within the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act, which currently allows any county that has appointed a registered civil engineer as “Road Commissioner,” or has abolished that position and instead has appointed a Director of Transportation to perform all work on county highways by force account or day labor, regardless of cost.  In doing so, this measure will ensure that large counties that have voluntarily chosen to utilize the Act, do not abuse the use of the “Road Commissioner” authority while still allowing counties the flexibility to address maintenance and emergency issues.  The bill allows counties to continue to make their own decisions in regards to how they want to perform highway and road construction projects while protecting the integrity and intent of the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.Click Here

AB 878 (B. Berryhill) – Signed. Requires a workers' compensation insurer to report to the Contractors' State License Board a licensed contractor whose insurance policy it cancels. Click Here

AB 1210 (Garrick) – Vetoed. Exempts a licensed civil engineer from additional experience, training, or certification requirements in order to prepare Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs). Click Here

AB 1330 (Beall) – Signed. Adds career technical education (CTE) as an option for pupils to fulfill the existing high school graduation requirement to complete a course in visual or performing arts (VPA) or foreign language, and requires school districts that elect this option to notify parents, teachers, pupils and the public. Click Here

SB 293 (Padilla) – Signed. Requires progress payments be made within seven days instead of the current 10 day requirement of law. In addition, the bill also allows subcontractors to access more capital by lowering retention withholdings on public works to no more than five percent as opposed to current 10% limit. Click Here

SB 469 (Vargas) – Vetoed. Requires a city or county to prepare economic impact reports before it approves or disapproves the construction or conversion of superstore retailers. Click Here

SB 474 (Evans) – Signed. Regulates indemnification agreements in specified private commercial and public works construction contracts. Click Here

SB 543 (Steinberg) – Signed. Among numerous provisions, extends the operation of CSLB and related provisions until January 1, 2016. Click Here

SB 617 (R. Calderon) – Signed. Revises various provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and requires each state agency to prepare a standardized regulatory impact analysis, as specified, with respect to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a major regulation, proposed on or after November 1, 2013. Click Here  

SB 825 (Wolk) – Signed. Expands the Best Value Construction Contract Pilot Program (Best Value Pilot Program) to all University of California campus construction projects statewide valued over $1 million, and extends the sunset date of the Best Value Pilot Program to January 1, 2017. Click Here

SB 909 (LaMalfa) – Signed. Modifies code relating to treated wood waste disposal. Click Here

SB 922 (Steinberg) – Signed. Establishes parameters for the use of project labor  agreements (PLAs) for publicly-funded construction projects. Provides that, if a charter provision, initiative, or ordinance of a charter city prohibits the governing board's consideration of a PLA from allocating funds to a city-funded project covered by such an agreement, then state funding or financial assistance shall not be used to support that project.  This provision is not applicable until January 1, 2015, for charter cities in which a charter  provision, initiative, or ordinance in effect prior to November 1, 2011, would disqualify a project from receiving state funding or financial assistance. Click Here


