Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of September 19, 2016

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

While it’s not written in stone a contractor’s business is ‘history’ as we discover!

I will put on my ‘thinking cap’ to just say ‘no’ to a question, and we also offer   sympathy and assistance to a contractor’s family in their time of loss… 

Q:  I had a homeowner contact me wanting me to repair some drywall and tile work that she had another contractor do last year.  She tried to contact him but has been unable to reach him at the number listed on his license.  In speaking with the customer, she stated that he had several employees come out and do the work and they didn’t really seem like they knew what they were doing.  When I look up his license I see that he has an Exemption from Worker’s Comp on file, which means he shouldn’t have employees at all!  How would we go about verifying whether he had Worker’s Comp insurance on file with the CSLB at the time the work was done?

A:  You would want to order a Certified License History from the CSLB which documents the history of the license including Bonds, Worker’s Comp, etc.  Contact our office if you’d like us to order this for you which may speed up the turnaround time a bit.

Q:  I have a quick question that you may know the answer to off the top of your head. Can company X, that does not have a California’s contractor’s license, contract with an owner to perform construction work for the owner, so long as company X hires a licensed contractor to do the work?  What code section of the law addresses this issue?

A:  No.  The company/individual signing the contract, as well as the company/individual performing the work, both need to hold a Contractor’s License.  You can refer to B & P Code section 7026 which defines a “Contractor” as “any person, consultant to an owner-builder, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or company, who or which undertakes, offers to undertake, purports to have the capacity to undertake, or submits a bid to construct any building or home improvement project, or part thereof.”

Q:  My Dad recently passed away and I need to take over his Contractor’s license.  I’ve worked for him since I was 14.  He has a General Building (“B”) license, however we specialize in lake and fountain maintenance and repair, which includes water balancing, cleaning filters, water testing, using pool chemical, and minor repairs to pumps and other water equipment.  Even though my Dad always did this work with his “B” License, I know I really need some sort of specialty license.  Do you know what type of license I would need?

A:  First of all, sorry for your loss.  The scope of work you described can be performed by the “C-61”/”D-35” Pool and Spa Maintenance Classification.  Contact us if you’d like our assistance with the process.


Contractor’s Note!  The CSLB is warning Contractors to beware of anyone calling and stating they are with the CSLB and claiming that you are “qualified” for additional license classifications if you pay an extra fee.  This offer is false and the CSLB never calls licensees to ask for money over the phone, nor do they solicit credit card information.  If you have received such a call, please report the incident to the CSLB by email at  The solicitors are thought to be targeting new licensees so beware! 


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at


