Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of September 14, 2015

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

A contractor outside the Golden State wants to wear three ‘hats’ at once and that’s okay. Unlike some people might suggest, sometimes you just won’t get a ‘second’ chance, without starting over from scratch. We also find inspiration in an aspiring contractor who learns that when ‘there is a will, there is a way’ and expert assistance to help reach your goal…

Q:  We have a North Carolina corporation that is licensed in several States and we now need to obtain a Contractor’s License in Nevada.  I understand that we are required to list our President, Secretary, and Treasurer on the license application.  To avoid having to have several people fingerprint, can one person serve all three titles?

A:  Yes, the same person can be listed as President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and that way only that individual (and your qualifying individual) would be required to complete the fingerprinting requirement.  Please note that the Officer that you list as all three titles will be the only individual with signing authority for the license, meaning renewals and any changes to the license, so be sure to designate someone who is available for those duties when needed.

Q:  I was an Officer on a license that I let expire back in 2005 because there were a few judgments against me that I couldn’t pay at the time.  Is there a way for you to find out for me exactly what I owe so that I can satisfy them and get my license back?

A:  Unfortunately, once a license has been expired for over five years you cannot get it back; you will be required to apply for a new license.  In order to be approved for a new license you will be required to satisfy any judgments associated with your previous licenses.  If you authorize a Power of Attorney (POA) for me, I can inquire with the CSLB as to what requirements you must meet.  Once met, we can then assist you with obtaining that new license.

Q:  I’m interested in purchasing a Wood Renewal Franchise in Southern California.  I discussed with the Franchisor and they suggested I contact you in order to understand if I am eligible to be licensed.  I was told I would either need a “C-33” (Painting), or a “D12” (Synthetic Products) license.  

I have no work experience in painting or construction.  I have sales and management experience (more than 20 years and now at Director level), however I am ready to study and take any exam that may be necessary.

A:  Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like you yourself will be able to sit for the exam until you are able to show some work experience in the trade that you are applying for.  The CSLB requires at least four years of full time work experience in the trade and at least one year of that experience needs to be practical experience.

Don’t be discouraged yet though!  You do however have the option of hiring someone who can qualify the license for you and then you can replace that person on the license after you have the four years under your belt.

Just FYI, you can also use education in lieu of a portion of the experience requirement, but you still have to show some practical experience. 

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at



