Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of May 1, 2017

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Our congratulations end this session of contractor Q/A. I begin with ‘limited’ help for an attorney, offer a corporate contractor a chance to ‘sole’ source his work and respond with ‘conviction’ to help give hope to a license applicant…

Q:  I am an Attorney and you have helped many of my clients in the past.  I have a new client who operates as an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and they are interested in obtaining a California Contractors License.  I know, from my past experience that when an LLC has another LLC as it’s Member/Manager, both LLC’s are required to be registered and in good standing with the CA Secretary of State.  My new client’s LLC is structured with a Limited Partnership as its sole Member.  Is the Limited Partnership required to be registered with the CA Secretary of State?

A:  It depends.  If the Limited Partnership who is the sole member of the LLC is a California Limited Partnership, then yes, it is required to be registered with the CA Secretary of State.  If the Limited Partnership is a foreign entity (formed outside of CA), then it is not required to be registered with the CA Secretary of State.  If the LP is foreign, the CSLB will need to see proof that it’s registered to do business in its Home State.

Q:  I am currently the RMO (Responsible Managing Officer) for an LLC.  Is it possible for me to disassociate from the company license and start an individual 

Sole Proprietor business without having to re-take the exams?

A:  Yes, once you disassociate from a license you have a period of five years to add yourself to another license without needing to re-take the exams.  Let me know if you'd like our assistance with the process of obtaining that Sole Proprietor license.

Q:  Can I get a Contractor’s License if I have a felony in my past?

A:  The conviction alone does not prevent you from obtaining a Contractor License.  Each conviction is reviewed by the CSLB, and in most instances only becomes an issue if they determine that the crime is “substantially related” to the Contractor’s ability to perform work in a safe and responsible manner.


Notice of New Registrar:

The California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) recently announced David Fogt, who is currently the CSLB’s Enforcement Chief, has been selected to serve as the Board’s new Registrar of Contractors, effective May 2, 2017.  The current Registrar, Cindi Christenson, recently announced her plan to retire effective May1, 2017.  Mr. Fogt began his CSLB career in 1990 as a Deputy Registrar Contractor. Over the next ten years, he was promoted to other enforcement supervisory positions, and eventually to Enforcement Chief in 2001.  Mr. Fogt is also one of the few Registrar’s who is also a licensed contractor.  David currently has an Inactive painting license that he earned in 1986.

Congratulations to Mr. David Fogt!


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657,, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at

