Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of January 21, 2013

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

We shine the light of knowing into the dark corners of myth, misconception and mistaken ideas about solar that will be good news for pool contractors. Another dispute can be settled by the word, ‘if’, which draws a line in the ‘sand’ for plaster and drywall work…

Q:  You helped me get my “C-53” swimming pool license a few years back and I have a question for you.  A few of my customers have asked me to install solar heating for their residential pools that I have serviced, but I have been told by other contractors that I specifically need either a “B” (General Building) or a “C-46” (Solar) license to do these installations.  Is that correct?

A: Nice to hear from you again!  Since solar contracting is an ever-expanding part of construction these days, there is a lot of talk and also a lot of confusion over the proper license that a contractor needs in order to perform this work.  A “C-53” Swimming Pool contractor is authorized to include the installation of solar heating in swimming pools projects, so you will not need to obtain any additional classifications.

There are also several other classifications that allow contractors to perform solar installation/repair jobs: “A” (General Engineering); “B” (General Building); “C-4” (Boiler) contractors are authorized to perform solar heating specifically associated with boilers, hot-water heating and steam fitting; “C-10” Electrical contractors can perform solar projects that involve electrical energy; “C-36” Plumbing contractors can perform solar to heat water or fluids; and of course “C-46” Solar Contractors can perform all types of solar installations.

Q: Hello, I am a regular reader of your Q&A column in our local Contractor’s Association newsletter.  Thank you for your engaging reading.  My question may be a good candidate to share as I have not read anything of the sort in the 4 years I have been following you.  I am licensed as a “C-9” (Drywall) and a “C-35” (Lathe and Plaster) contractor.  I am losing drywall business to a local large plastering contractor and decided to check his license status.  It turns out he does not have a “C-9” license.  Where is the line drawn between a lathe and plaster contractor and a drywall contractor?  Can a “C-35” contractor take on regular drywall services?

A:  Thank you for reading the column.  We appreciate you contacting us it’s why we are here to help.  The “C-9” and the “C-35” are two distinct classifications.  A “C-35” contractor cannot do a project that is exclusively drywall, and likewise, a “C-9” contractor cannot do a project that is exclusively lathe and plaster.  The two classifications are similar though, so a C-35 can do some of the work that falls under a “C-9” classification, if the work is supplemental and incidental to the lathe and plaster job.  This is the same for a “C-9” contractor with regards to lathe and plaster; he/she can perform some “C-35” work, if it is incidental and supplemental to the drywall job.

For those who may have missed it a complete list of the new and revised 2013 laws affecting State Contracting Practices, please visit our website at or call with any questions.

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 580, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at


