Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors  Week of February 6, 2023

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc. 

What is old can be new again, but databases never forget the past! No crystal ball so I can only share my condolences and an expert solution for the unexpected problem, and offer advice to a hopeful future license contractor… 

Q: My company (OldCo) was recently acquired as an asset sale by NewCo. NewCo obtained a new license with OldCo’s business name as their dba. OldCo was kept in place just to make sure there was no lapse in licensure between the two entities. Once NewCo became licensed, I cancelled the bonds and Worker’s Comp insurance in relation to OldCo which caused the license to become suspended. Not a big deal since we aren’t using it, BUT when you search the CSLB license check website by the dba name, two licenses show up, one showing “suspended” and one showing “active”. The suspended license could cause a red flag to potential clients. Is there a way to correct that so OldCo’s license no longer shows up? 

A: We can cancel the suspended license, however there is no way to take them off the database completely. If we cancel them, they will just show up as “cancelled” instead of suspended. Also note the OldCo license is set to expire at the end of the month here so you can also just wait a couple weeks and it will show “expired” instead of suspended. 

Q: We have a corporation license and our Qualifier passed away unexpectedly. We have ongoing projects, employees, and open contracts. I read we have 90 days to replace him as the Qualifier on the license and I would be the person to take over, however I don’t know that I want to add my name to the license because of the liability. I don’t know yet what the financial status of the company is. Are we able to request a continuance in the meantime while we make decisions about what will be the outcome of the Company? 

A: Sorry to hear about your Qualifier. Because the license belongs to the Corporation as a whole, a continuance cannot be granted to a corporation or LLC. Once you have an application to replace the Qualifier in process, you are able to request a one-time 90-day extension which will give you some more time to decide what you are going to do. During the 180 days, you can continue business as usual. 

Q: I am interested in getting my own contractor’s license eventually. Currently I work for a licensed company. How many years of experience do I need and what is really meant by “journeyman” level or above? I’ve never done an apprenticeship and I’m wondering if that’s going to be necessary. 

A: Journeyman level basically means that you are performing work with little or no supervision and not a trainee. It is not a requirement that you complete an apprenticeship, but it can help with the qualification portion. In order to qualify for your own license, you will need to show at least four years of full-time work experience in the trade you are applying for. When the time is right we will be here to help again. 



While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 3609 Bradshaw Rd, Ste H, #343, Sacramento, CA 95827. Search past columns at



































