Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of February 20, 2017

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

Panic can be a good thing! It shows you’re thinking about whatever the problem may be and we might be able to find a solution together. Take a deep breath the next answer is unfortunately a ‘crime’ but hope remains for this and our last inquiry…

Q:  You helped us obtain our California and Arizona Contractor licenses a few years ago and I was hoping you could offer some advice.  Our CA contractor’s license expired 1/31/17 due to clerical oversight and we have requested a Delinquent Renewal form from the CSLB, which supposedly takes 7-10 days to receive.  We have a multitude of jobs we are currently on that are contracted under that license. Is there a way to expedite this renewal and reinstatement of our license?  I was considering flying in to Sacramento but then realized that our Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) would likely have to sign the Reinstatement at the CSLB.  I am a bit panicked.  Can you provide any advice?

A:  With permission from the licensee, we can typically pick up a Renewal for you in person same day and email it out to you which will reduce the 7-10 day waiting period for the CSLB to mail it to you.  You are correct in that the Renewal requires the (original) signature of your RMO.  Once you obtain the appropriate signature(s), you can send it back to my office and we will hand deliver it to the CSLB and obtain a stamped copy showing that it’s been submitted.  The CSLB always processes renewals in the order they receive them, and right now they are taking approximately 2-3 weeks to process a renewal application.  

Q:  Hi, I’m reading that I’m required to get fingerprinted to obtain a California Contractors License.  I have two felonies on my record and I’m also currently on probation.  Will the felonies or the fact that I’m on probation prevent me from obtaining a Contractor License?

A:  Thank you for contacting Capitol Services Inc.  You cannot get your Contractor's license while on probation or parole.  I don't have a definite answer as to whether you will qualify once your probation is satisfied.  The CSLB reviews criminal backgrounds on a case by case basis and review to make a determination based on how long ago the crime occurred, the severity of the crime, and your rehabilitation efforts. Check back then, there is always hope.

Q:  Our corporation has had a Contractor’s License for over 10 years.  When we originally got the license, we hired an employee to act as our Responsible Managing Employee (RME).  About two years ago, one of our Officers replaced the RME and didn’t have to take the exams because he was an Officer for the company for over five years.  Now he’s retiring and we have another Officer who now wants to do the same thing.  Is that something you can help with?

A:  Normally that would be something we would assist with.  However, the rule is that once a license is granted a Waiver of the Exams under B&P Code Section 7065.1, the company must wait a full five years before they can again request a Waiver of the Exams.  We can still help you with the replacement process if your new Qualifier is willing to sit for the exams.


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657,, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at
