Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of April 3, 2017

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

There are a ‘number’ of things that just can’t be borrowed in life or contractor licensing. An out-of-state contractor gets help in getting a license in Nevada ‘step by step’. Wrap up with a ‘salute’ to those Officers who are ‘responsible’ as license qualifiers… 

Q:  We are looking for guidance as we recently obtained a well drilling company that doesn’t have a Contractor’s License.  I have been drilling wells for over 5 years but don’t have my own license.  The company we purchased had a couple of unfinished wells that we need to complete.  One of our customer’s needs his well completed right away and I’m worried that the process of obtaining the license will not meet his time frame.  Can I hire someone who holds a “C-57” license and use their license to complete the project?

A:  No, you cannot “use” someone else’s license for contracting work.  The individual/entity signing the contract as well as the individual/entity doing the work need to have their own license.  However, the good news for you is, due to the recent droughts California has been experiencing, the CSLB has been expediting “C-57” (Well Drilling) applications, so the licensing process may not take as long as you thought.  Contact our office if you’d like assistance with the process.

Q:  We are an industrial gas turbine maintenance, parts, repair and field service company out of Texas (Corporation) seeking a contractor license in NV.  I have been communicating with another company similar to yours but I don’t feel like I’m receiving the details that I need.  First, they said I just need to submit an application with a $300 fee.  When I download the application online, I come to find out we also need a business license in Nevada and it references a $600 fee.  I just need someone to clarify this for me.

A:  We can help you with the process if you’d like, but to clarify, yes you do need a business license in Nevada before you apply for the Contractor’s License.  You obtain a business license by registering your company with the Nevada Secretary of State as a foreign Corporation.  You also have the option of forming a separate company.  I recommend consulting a CPA or an Attorney to discuss these options.  As far as fees, you are required to submit a $300 fee with your application, and then an additional $600 biannual license fee is due once your application is approved.

Q:  Can a Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) be an Officer other than President, Secretary, or Treasurer, such as Vice President or Director?  Also, does the Certification of Work Experience need to be filled out if the RMO already has an Inactive license with the same classification?

A:  Yes, an Officer can have several titles other than President, Secretary, or Treasurer.  Vice President and Director will both be acceptable.  “Assistant” Secretary/Treasurer, etc. is usually also acceptable.  Other acceptable titles are CEO and COO.


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns

