Full California Jobs Report for
September 2024
The Center for Jobs and the Economy has released our full analysis of the September Employment Report from the California Employment Development Department. For additional information and data about the California economy visit www.centerforjobs.org/ca.
Key Takeaways
- Job Gains: California added 14,700 nonfarm jobs in September, ranking fourth among states, but saw a previous loss in August in the revised numbers.
- Long-term Trends: Since February 2020, California has gained 420,700 jobs, the third highest among states, but ranks 31st when adjusted for population size.
- Sector Dependence: Job growth is concentrated in government and government supported industries, especially Health Care, while private sector growth has lagged, with many key industries showing positive or stronger growth in other states.
- Challenges in Fast Food: The fast food sector is struggling with job growth due to recent minimum wage increases, leading to frozen to negative job impacts - depending on which data series is used - and higher prices for consumers.
- High Unemployment Rates: California's unemployment rate remained tied for 2nd highest among the states at 5.3% with a broader U-6 rate of 9.6%, the highest in the nation.
California Continues to Lose Population to Other States
The Census Bureau’s recent state migration numbers from the American Community Survey, 1-year estimates again show more people moved (690,127) from California than came here (422,075) from other states in 2023. The domestic inflow was the lowest in the data series (since 2010), while the outflow was comparable to the level in 2018.
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