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from Kevin Pedrotti, Legislative Advocate for the Golden State Builders Exchanges

Legislation and more legislation

Last Friday was the deadline for the introduction of legislation for the 2012 legislative year. While overall introductions were down approximately 30% in comparison to past years, there remains a host of issues that will be considered this year. The GSBE tracking list includes 160 bills which is the usual number of bills we track in a given legislative year.

Listed below is a snap-shot of the some of the new introductions. As always, please notify me if you hear of any issues that are of particular interest to your individual Exchange. (click on bill number to link to actual bill).

AB 1565(Fuentes) – School construction bidding: bidding requirements.

AB 1671(Huffman) – Caltrans retention: extend sunset of zero retention withholding.

AB 1794(Williams) – Contractors: workers compensation requirements; misdemeanor for improper coverage.

AB 1902(Jones) – Public Notice: Newspaper internet web site.

AB 1920(Berryhill) – Contractor license: payment issues for working unlicensed or out of category.

AB 2021(Wagner) – Progress payments: disputed amounts.

AB 2218(Williams) – Table saws: ban sale without specific protection requirement.

AB 2237(Monning) – Expands definition of licensed contractor.

SB 1230(Runner) – CALOSHA approval of diesel retrofit emission control devices.

SB 1323(Wyland) – CTE requirements: local employer input.

SB 1370(Berryhill) – DIR: require internet posting of all wage requirements.

SB 1374(Harman) – Regulations: Liability: good faith efforts to comply.

Here is the most recent GSBE Legislative Tracking Grid




