By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.
Why settle with one, when two is always better than one! I help a contractor with a simple problem with addition, and answer a question quick as another contractor has no time to waste. All things in their own time today…
Q: I am a licensed California General Building contractor. I’m interested in obtaining my Arizona license. I notice they have a “B” (Residential Building) classification, and then there is a “KB-1” (Dual Building contractor) which covers both residential and commercial. I have been licensed in CA for almost seven years. Does my CA license qualify me for the dual license? I don’t anticipate doing any commercial work, however I figure if my CA license qualifies me I may as well apply for the dual license so that I have the option.
A: Yes, your CA “B” license will qualify you for a Waiver of the “KB-1”(Dual Building) license in Arizona. You will still be required to complete the online Statutes and Rules exam. Just keep in mind the dual licenses are a bit more expensive, both for the license/application fee, renewal fees, and the fee for the bond.
Q: I have a pending application with the CSLB and have been approved to take the exams. I didn’t time the submittal very well as my wife just had a baby! I have not had time to study and I don’t anticipate having time to study or sit through a test in the coming weeks. Do you know how long my application is good for?
A: Congratulations on the new addition! All applicants are given 18 months from the time you are approved to pass the exams. I wouldn’t suggest waiting until the end of the 18 months, however you have ample time to study and take the exams. Good luck!
Q: We have a potential large project coming up in the State of California that we are needing a license for as quickly as possible. I’ve read through the requirements for an LLC (Limited Liability Company) and we have almost everything together for the application. I’m wondering if we submit the required contractor’s bond and LLC employee/worker bond with our application, will that speed the process up?
A: No, you shouldn’t request the bonds from your bonding company until the application has been accepted and the CSLB requests them. We always recommend this for reasons such as if they don’t approve your business name and you have to add a “dba”, you would have to have the bonds re-issued. There are other things that could come up which would cause the application to be delayed and requesting the bonds too early can result in you paying for them when they wouldn’t be attached to the license for several weeks/months. Most bonding companies can turn around bonds in a day or two so it shouldn’t hold up the application to hold off until the CSLB requests them.
While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half he battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 3609 Bradshaw Rd, Ste H, #343, Sacramento, CA 95827. Search past columns at