Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of July 24/2023

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

People come and go, business goes on 24/7, 365. So, how and when can a licensed contractor cover his ‘qualified bases’ before his ’qualified time’ runs out when someone leaves? A complex question preceding a ‘regular’ one, with a ‘pass or fail’ finale…

Q: As you are aware, our Qualifying Individual’s last day of employment is 7/31. He currently qualifies all three of our classifications – “A”, “B” and “C-10”. We plan to have another of our employees take the exams and take over as the Qualifier for all classifications, but you had mentioned we must do them one at a time. You also mentioned that we can submit a one-time request for a 90-day extension of time to replace. We will need to do so here. Is a separate request made for each of the three classifications, or is it one request? Will we have enough time to complete this before the 180 days is up? What happens to the license if we don’t complete all three within the 180 days?

A: The one-time request for a 90-day extension is one request. As long as you have an application to replace in process, you can request the one-time extension, but it would be an additional 90 days to complete the replacement for all three. Six months is enough time to complete the process, but obviously you’ll want to submit the second/third applications immediately after the previous one is complete. If for some reason you don’t get the process completed for all three within the six months, as long as you complete at least one, the license should remain Active and in Good Standing. If all three are not complete within the six months, the classification(s) which have not been done will be removed from the license.

Q: In California, does every corporate Officer need to be on the license and need to be fingerprinted?  Even if they are just a “regular” Officer and do not hold a President or Secretary title?  What’s the requirement for AZ and NV? 

A: In all three states, all Officers which are listed with that state’s Secretary of State (SOS) records need to be listed on the license and have a background check completed. I’m not sure what you mean by “regular” Officer title, but Officers such as VP’s, Assistant or Co-Officer, etc. do not need to be listed on licensing board records or SOS records.

Q: My company wants to replace the existing Qualifier on their license and would like it done within 3 months. I understand that it takes the CSLB a few weeks to review my qualifications and approve me for the exams. If I don’t pass, is there a certain amount of time I must wait before I re-take the test? I’m worried about the test and the potential of not completing the task within 3 months!

A: If you don’t pass the exam, you are required to wait 3 weeks before you can reschedule. Feel free to contact us if you would like assistance with the paperwork processing and study materials!


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 3609 Bradshaw Rd, Ste H, #343, Sacramento, CA 95827. Search past columns at 




