Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of June 6, 2016

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

New ‘recycled’ rules are being written and contractors are needed to help build them.  To paraphrase Jagger, ‘while you can’t always get what you want, sometimes you can get what you need’ as a Glazer learns. While you can bet on almost anything in Nevada, your ‘finances’ are never in ‘play’ when applying for a contractor license…

Q:  I am in the process of completing an application for a Nevada Contractor’s License. The application states that we need to provide a Financial Statement no more than a year old. Our fiscal year end is March 31st so the last audit that we had done is dated March 2015.  Our next audit will not be complete for another month, which is exactly when the bid date is for the project we are seeking in Nevada.  Will the Nevada Board accept our last financial statement if we provide a letter from our accountant stating that new one is not complete yet and explaining that March 31st is our fiscal year end?  If not, can I at least take the exam ahead of time?

A:  No, unfortunately Nevada will not budge on the requirement.  You absolutely have to provide a Financial Statement dated within the last year.  They will not approve you to take the exam prior to providing an acceptable financial statement.

Q:  I have a friend who sells windows in Washington and he wants to move his shop to California and also obtain a “C-17” (Glazing) contractor’s license.  He doesn’t have any experience installing windows though.  I have the “C-17” classification on my license; is there a way I can help him get his license?

A:  Your friend will first need to decide how he intends to conduct business in California (Sole Proprietor, corporation, LLC, etc).  You can act as the Qualifying Individual on his license since you already hold the “C-17”, however depending on your title and percentage of ownership, you may need to Inactivate your own license.  Feel free to give me a call to further discuss your options.


Capitol Services Contractor’s Note:               

Contractor input is being sought to assist in the development of recycled water system standards for newly constructed residential, commercial, and public buildings, and landscaped areas around building sites. A series of stakeholder meetings to implement Assembly Bill 2282 will be held in Sacramento.

The steering committee meeting is sponsored by the California Building Standards Commission (BSC) and the state Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD.  Committee members will help BSC and HCD staff develop regulations amending the state’s 2016 Plumbing and Green Building Standards codes for recycled water systems as mandated by AB 2282, signed into law in 2014.

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at



