Governor Brown signs AB 720, Road Commissioner Reform Bill, into Law

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The Construction Industry Force Account Council, CIFAC, announced that Governor Brown recently signed the CIFAC sponsored bill AB 720, i.e. the Road Commissioner Reform Bill.

According to CIFAC Executive Director Cathryn Hilliard, "we can celebrate the fact that millions of dollars in additional county roadwork will go out to bid. This legislation was so important that it helped build one of the strongest coalitions of contractors and labor organizations on a single issue we've seen in recent times."

CIFAC President Dave McCosker offered congratulations and thanks to all who supported this very important piece of legislation through the legislature. McCosker added that special thanks goes to CIFAC's Legislative Advocate, Eddie Bernacchi who, together with Jose Mejia, representing the Laborers, and Dave Ackerman, representing AGC, brought the strength of the industry together by working with county officials to create this win-win outcome.

McCosker said, “CIFAC Board members and staff worked diligently to get the word out to the legislature and Governor to support AB 720."

AB 720 (Hall) reflects the culmination of over four years of work with all parties involved to positively address the use of the “Road Commissioner” authority while still allowing counties the flexibility they need to maintain California’s county road systems. The fact that the construction industry, counties, and public employee unions have reached an agreement on what has been such a continuous, contentious issue is a credit to the legislative process and those who work within it.

This measure provides enhanced flexibility to county governments by raising the force account limit within the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Act, places accountability on the use of the “Road Commissioner” authority on counties who are members of the Act and allows for a year-long phase in period to prepare for compliance with the Act’s new provisions by taking affect January 1, 2013. The bill also provides opportunities for construction contractors to bid on county highway construction and reconstruction projects and grants greater transparency and accountability to the public regarding the use of their tax dollars. For more information CIFAC can be reach at 1-800-755-3354.


