Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of September 8, 2014

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By Shauna Krause, President, Capitol Services, Inc.

While the drought in California has caused many problems, there is also a flipside of the coin and an opportunity for contractors that hasn’t ‘dried up.’

When does the need to be licensed kick in for a manufacturer about to sign a ‘contract’? But we begin with some great memories for a father and son…

Q:  I am a licensed “C-10” Electrician in CA. My son has been learning from me since he was young and we are trying to figure out the process of getting him certified or licensed. His experience doesn't show up through his taxes but we have pictures showing jobs he's helped with. We live near Redding and we've found one school for the program but don't want him starting at the bottom if he doesn't have to.

A:  First, the CSLB usually requires that an individual be 24 years of age before they can qualify for a contractor's license.  You may be able to get him certified (all employees of electrical contractors are required to be certified with the Department of Industrial Relations). For more information on the certification process you can visit their website at

Once he is 24 years of age he will be required to show at least four years of work experience doing electrical work in order to obtain a Contractor's License, and he will most likely need to back that up with W-2's or paycheck stubs or contracts, permits, etc.  The CSLB will not accept photos in order to verify an individual's work background. Those are just great father-son memories!

Q:  Our company is a manufacturer of LED light fixtures.  We recently were requested to sign a large contract for the installation of these fixtures.  We plan to sub-contract the work out.  Is our company required to have a license if we aren’t actually performing the work?  If so, what type of license is required?

A:  A Contractor’s License is required even if you are sub-contracting the work out.  Both the company signing the contract for installations as well as the company/individual performing the work are required to be licensed.

If the wiring is pre-existing then a “C-7” Low Voltage would be the classification necessary to install the light fixtures.  If the wiring is not pre-existing then a “C-10” Electrical license would be required. We often expedite applications for just this situation as it would be illegal to sign that contract now. Let us know if we can help.


Contractor Alert!  Well Drilling and Engineering Contractors

According to recent bulletin released by the CSLB, the current drought conditions in California that are posing health and safety concerns for families who rely on well water and businesses that need ground water resources, have caused a shortage of available “C-57” Well Drilling contractors.  In response the CSLB is expediting applications for “C-57” contractors.

The CSLB is encouraging out-of-state drillers to consider becoming licensed and working in California.  In addition, according to their press release,  “CSLB also encourages “A” General Engineering contractors that are authorized to perform water supply projects (but not well drilling unless they already possess a “C-57” classification) to add the Well Drilling classification to their license.”

As always, contact our office if you’d like assistance with obtaining a license, adding a classification to your license, or any other contractor’s licensing need.


While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at


